Stealing The Mona Lisa
Uncle Fingers was hard up again. Uncle Fingers was often hard up because he donated a lot of his money to look after old horses. Well, that’s what Timothy thinks he meant because whenever he would ask Uncle Fingers why he had no money, he would always say I donated all my money to the old nags in the 3.30pm at Aintree Racecourse. Most of the time Uncle Fingers was not worried when he had no money, but this was different. Quietly Uncle Fingers whispered to Timothy that he had borrowed some money off Big Bad Billy to buy Apple shares because Smasher told him Apple shares always doubled in money every three days. So, he had borrowed £10,000 and told Big Bad Billy he would give him £10,000 back plus £5,000 profit in four days. The money was due 5 days ago. Unfortunately, Apples shares had fallen for the first time in history and Uncle Fingers initial investment of £10,000 was now only worth £2,000. Big Bad Billy has been ringing and texting 20 times a day.
Yikes thought Timothy.
Uncle Fingers had a plan. He had been told the Mona Lisa in the Louvre was worth
zillions and so he thought if he stole it, he would be a zillionaire and be able to repay
Big Bad Billy and buy a rocket with the change.
Uncle Fingers developed his plan, borrowed a disguise, bought a ladder, found some
rubber gloves and was very pleased with himself. Once it was completely dark outside,
he made his excuses to Timothy’s Mum and Dad and gave Timothy a wink as he slipped
out the back door.
Timothy waited for hours and hours, he even did his homework three times but there was still no sign of Uncle Fingers and the Mona Lisa from the Louvre. So, Timothy reluctantly went to bed. Timothy woke up to the sound of a rat-a-tat-tat on the window. When Timothy pulled back the curtain, he saw a very happy Uncle Fingers at the window, stood on top of the ladder he bought. As he opened the window Uncle fingers almost fell inside laughing and hugging Timothy. I did it, I stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre. I am a zillionaire, and I can give Big Bad Billy all his money back and buy a rocket with change.
Timothy was so pleased for Uncle Fingers; it was about time something went well for him and Uncle Fingers had promised to take him to the moon in his rocket.
After a hot chocolate and piece of hot buttered toast Uncle Fingers pulled his treasure from his jumper to show Timothy. Timothy was very surprised because Uncle Fingers treasure did not look like his recollection of the Mona Lisa from the Louvre, but maybe he had got confused. Now Uncle Fingers was confused. Timothy checked Doodle Search on his computer and compared Uncle Fingers treasure to the image on his computer. They were very different.
Now Timothy and Uncle Fingers were both very, very confused.
Suddenly, Uncle Fingers said, he had taken a picture of Moaning Lisa from the Loos, is that the same thing?
Who is Moaning Lisa from the Loos said Timothy?
You know Moaning Lisa, the cleaner at the Loos in Teccos the supermarket in our high street.
Timothy could hardly breathe because he was laughing so much. He had to explain to Uncle Fingers that the Mona Lisa was a very famous painting in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
How much will I get for the picture of Moaning Lisa from the Loos at Teccos Supermarket asked Uncle Fingers?
Well, I am not sure said Timothy but I don’t think you will be a zillionaire or buying a rocket yet.
Oh well, I will just keep out of the way from Big Bad Billy and it’s a good job I have another great plan. I am going to steal the crown jewels tomorrow.